You Found Me, I'm glad! 12/25

Ok, so here I am back in Virginia where it all started. This time down on the tip of the Eastern Shore, which I've always found to be the more interesting area of the Shore. Good memories of the Cape Charles/Kiptopeake area.

I'm just a couple of miles from one of my favorite places, Kiptopeake Landing (my pic above) which, when I was a kid, was the location of the Kiptopeake to Little Creek Ferry. The history of the ferry is easily found on the web so I won't go into that. This area of the Shore is a little over 3 miles wide with the Cheseapeake Bay on the West side and the Atlantic on the East with a barried bay in between the Atlantic Ocean and the Shore. See Image & See Image

(Click the Other Stuff button on the left to see a beautiful video of the concrete ships at Kiptopeake Landing.)

I am currently in the process of fixing up a home in Townsend, Va. prounced Towns End, which is a perfect description of the towns location. Today is Christmas and I hope to be here the 2nd or 3rd. of January. I have my work cut out for me but I'm looking forward to "another" new beginning. This will be the last one I'm sure of that. I've got a lot of work to do and things to sort out.

Two state nature area preserves are very close including the Old Ferry Landing; Mogfey Bay State Natureal Area Preserve and Virginia Wildlife Management Area. From what I've gathered the fishing in this area is a big draw to sports fishermen at certain times of the year. I haven't dropped a line in the water for many a year but I sure will now!

My goal here to turn this littler fixer upper into a showplace so it ends up on the "Garden Tour" in a couple of years. ;-)

I'm going to attempt to document the work done on the "fixer upper" and you will see images here on my FB page. Here!

So if you are ever in the area drop by and say hi! I'm less than a mile off of 13/Lankford Hwy. 28444 Seaside Road. Hard to miss!

Bringing everyone up to date.
Left Texas on the 29th of December and arrived in Virginia on the 1st. What a trip! I think it was 1350 approximate miles and I shouldn't have tried to do it without an over night stop somewhere. I stopped a number of times for 2 to 4 hours naps then got back on the road. It rained the entire trip! Not heavy but enough to make the drive even more miserable that it would have been. I didn't pass a single car the entire drive wanting to play it very safe and not take any chances. The trailer was overloaded and my top speed was about 60. More than that and the trailer would get jiggy on me and I didn't need that anxiety along with everything else.
I was able to close on the 2nd and moved into a house with no heat, electric or running water. First night was cold and miserable. The second day a friend David Bundick came down and helped me move my stuff into the house. On the third day Tommy Daisey from Chincoteage came down and helped me work on the kitchen and brought a gas heater that I couldn't get hooked up. I used a couple of electric heaters to make it bearable for about a week. Electric was turned on after a couple of days which was step one. With the electric on I could turn on the water but it snow about eight inches so I didn't turn the water on not wanting to have to crawl under the house to repair broken water lines, which did happen, but later when the weather improved.
Billy Barton 214-766-5819